Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chen lh, yang j, j yu yao zj, sun ll, shen...

Currently full >> << sequence genomes of almost all major bacterial pathogens >> << have been identified. In addition, the genome is

kind, but different species, subspecies, serovars

or patovaru available for most sorts. We begin

appreciate a great diversity of bacterial genomes >> << to virulence-related genes and their organization

. Pathogenic bacteria represent an impressive arsenal of virulence factors >> << that allow they win

many different niches during infection. Especially exciting is the fact that certain bacteria

, in the words of various combinations of virulence factors

, can cause various diseases. Further comparative genome analysis reveals

more interesting information about the biology and evolution

pathogens. Therefore, we recently updated

VFDB, to make it the basis for further comparative study >> << pathogenomics. Key Features

given this version include:

How do I get access to new data comparative pathogenomics:

visit a separate page any agent you're looking for

and follow the link on the page. Or conversely, to visit

comparative data and select agent >> << you are interested Definition: bacterial pathogen, usually defined as >> << any bacteria that could cause disease. Its ability to cause disease is called

pathogenicity. Virulence gives a quantitative measure of pathogenicity

or likelihood of causing disease. Factors related to the virulence properties

(ie, gene products) that allow >> << microorganism to establish itself on the surface or within a range of specific >> << and increase its potential to cause disease. Virulence factors include bacterial toxins, cell surface

proteins that mediate bacterial attachment on the cell surface carbohydrates and proteins >> << that protect bacteria

and hydrolytic enzymes that may contribute to pathogenicity

in bacteria. About VFDB: VFDB is an integrated >> << and comprehensive database of virulence factors for bacterial pathogens

(including chlamydia and mycoplasma). You can visit the

to know the current statistics for entire database >>. << First, to provide comprehensive coverage of major virulence factors

the most characterized bacterial pathogens,

to the structure of features, functions and strattera prescription mechanisms

used by these pathogens to allow them to gain new

niche and bypass a lot of protective mechanisms

and cause disease. Secondly, to provide advanced knowledge of a wide >> << different mechanisms used for bacterial pathogens >> << researchers clarify the pathogenic mechanisms in bacterial diseases

which is not typical and develop new

, rational approaches to treatment and prevention of infectious diseases

. Reference: Chen LH, Xiong ZH, Sun LL, Yang J and Jin Q 2012. VFDB 2012 update: the genetic diversity and molecular evolution of bacterial virulence factors .. [

] [J Yang, Chen LH, LL Su, Yu J and Jin Q 2008. VFDB 2008 issue: expanding Internet resource for comparative pathogenomics .. [

] [Chen LH, Yang J, J Yu Yao ZJ, Sun LL, Shen Jin U and Q, 2005. VFDB: reference database for bacterial virulence factors .. [

] [

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